A Fire alarm system is installed to detect the fire in the early stage and fire_alarm_system4alert the premises. The first step toward halting a fire is to properly identify the incident, raise the alarm, and alert everyone to avoid the loss to property and life. This is the major role of a fire alarm setup. Hence this setup is mainly installed in the hazardous area but for our safety concern we should install and implement in all the areas to avoid fire accidents.
An automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the fire when the smoke exhausts in the initial stage by monitoring environmental changes with combustion. We undertake design, supply and installation of all types of fire alarm system.
Generally It is classified into two different types namely Conventional and addressable fire alarm systems based on the features, cost and usage. Conventional fire alarm system are intended to notify the building occupants to evacuate in the event of fire or any emergencies whereas an addressable fire alarm system is more advanced by way of indicating the particular place on fire.